You feel it deep inside.

Whatever is happening (or not happening) in your life is just not working.

Do any of these sound like you?

“Who am I to start my own business. I don’t have the skills.”

“I need a career change, but where do I begin?”

“I’m not happy in my marriage, but I don’t want to hurt my kids.”

“I know there is more to myself than this. I want to explore who I really am.”

“I dream about living abroad, but I’m afraid to take the leap.”

“Something needs to change, I just don’t know what.”

Fitting in was never the plan for you. You are here to stand out and believe in your dreams.

Listen to that inner whisper. It’s there to tell you something.


You’re stuck. You’re confused. You’re overwhelmed by all the to-dos and not sure where to start

Let’s be real — you’re terrified of BELIEVING in yourself.

The fear keeps bringing you back to the question: “What if it doesn’t work out? What if I’m wrong? What if I fail?!”
Change is scary. Stepping into the vast unknown without control over the outcome is rarely comfortable.

You need a little PUSH.

But not any push. A loving and supportive nudge from the people who genuinely understand you.

People who get what it’s like to feel different and alone. They know what it means to be isolated and misunderstood while living with various complex intersectional identities.

I call us n’betweeners.

Being among a group of encouraging people as you take the risk could be the simple support you need — a community that understands you when you’re most scared, most vulnerable, and want to run away.

You deserve a circle of like-minded people who will have your back as you step into a new life chapter uninhibited.

What if you could go to a place that gives you the courage to do what you’ve been afraid to?

A soft cushion to land on when you need to take a risk with people who understand and see you in all of your intersectional identities.

You don’t have to keep searching. It’s here — a circle of besties ready to be your cheerleaders.

I’m here to offer you a place to be bold without standing out.

The nest

your n’betweener sanctuary

A community of like-minded people to support you in fulfilling your untapped dreams.
This is a home where all of you belongs. Be bold, without feeling “differe

January 11th, 2025-June 14th, 2025

A person wears a pride shirt, representing a potential participant in this 6 months to change your life program.

“Finally, a place I belong.

I never thought I would come across the day I would be in a space of people who experience life similar to me. I was able to feel whole and celebrate my n’betweeness."

— Mytch - they, them

Group in retreat, fostering a sense of belonging and community for those with intersectional identities.

What is The nest?

The nest is a place to be uniquely you without fear of judgment or shame. You get to be bold without feeling “different.”

It’s an exclusive and intimate circle of like-minded people, like you, ready to make a radical change.

In The nest, you will:

  1. Find a community where you authentically feel a sense of belonging.

  2. Feel supported by a group of people ready to be your cheerleader every step of your journey.

  3. Receive coaching that will uplift you and help you truly believe in yourself.

It’s your nest to come home to.

This space is designed for n’betweeners — people who navigate multiple complex identities.

Here, you get a space where your intersectional identities are seen, understood, and represented.

The nest is an immersive 6-month program designed to empower individuals to believe in and fulfill their repressed hopes and desires.

In the nest, members are supported by a community of people, who are also working through life transitions, and building on their dreams. The intention is to create a safe space to feel challenged and explore yourself.

Join us from Jan. 11 -June 14, 2025.

“An instant sense of community”

— Jasmine Schimmel (she, her)

Find a home for all of you

You know that exhale you take when you step into your home after a long day? There’s no better feeling than that, but what happens when you have multiple “homes?” Several identities and parts of yourself that take turns coming home and feeling comfortable?

The number one epidemic right now is loneliness.

It’s painful trying to belong to spaces where you feel like an outcast, different, too much, or even too little.

I’m sure you know what it feels like to be a chameleon — constantly changing yourself to fit in with those around you.

You don’t have to do that in The nest. Bringing just you will do. There’s no need for acting or withholding, just be the unfiltered you. The nest is a community hub for the n’betweener who is, well, n’between. n’between a transition or change and needs some support.

It’s a home away from home.

The nest is a welcoming sanctuary where like-minded individuals converge to move through a life shift together. The nest is an intentional space to connect and support. You’ll create relationships that last well beyond the 6-month program. Imagine drinking a glass of wine with your BFF after a long day or calling her for a laugh after a cry session while getting that tools and support to move you to the next step in your life. That’s what you get here.



a space for people moving through n’betweens

Here is what you’ll get

40+ hours of content, coaching, and community


True Belonging: Gain a meaningful community and foster a genuine sense of belonging among people who navigate similar experiences, and understand what it’s like to navigate the n’between.

Nurturing Platform: Connect through a dedicated virtual platform designed for members to share wins, challenges and other experiences, while building lasting relationships.

Buddy Support: Get paired with a fellow nestler who will provide mutual encouragement, accountability, and support throughout your transition and personal growth journey.


Empowerment Method: Receive group coaching from Nora Alwah on the areas of your life you feel stuck in, and how to transform these into empowerment.

Co-Working Time: Participate in scheduled co-working sessions, to help you achieve your goals in an inclusive environment where you can work alongside others and stay inspired.

Tools for Overcoming Barriers: Learn a paradigm to shift your experiences of pain into empowerment, and gain strategies to navigate internalized oppression, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.


Intimate In-Person Retreats: Participate in two in-person retreats in Colorado and New York to connect with yourself and your community. This will include curated content, reflection time, and a comprehensive workbook to support your ongoing development.

Support for Well-being: Gain access to resources and practices that support your well-being and resilience, empowering you to thrive in a world that often overlooks your worth.

Dynamic Workshops: Gain practical skills, knowledge, and strategies for enhancing your ability to navigate your life transitions.

A person with a nose ring smiles, representing a potential participant in this intersectional retreat for big life changes.

“I have restored sense of confidence.

Being held in community by n’betweeners felt so nourishing, comforting and relaxing.

I get to rest now. Rest in my skin.”

Kaz - they, them


  • Alphabet magnets spell "welcome to the nest," a retreat to figure out what you want in life and navigate big life changes.

    JANUARY 2025


    Jan 11, 2025 (On Zoom*)

    10 AM-12.30 PM M.T.

    * This session will be recorded if you’re unable to make it LIVE.

    It’s time to meet your people! Get cozy in your nest and find inspiration while learning from other n’betweeners navigating their n’between.

    In this LIVE online session, you’ll find clarity around the change you’re seeking in your life and set initial goals for yourself.

    During this 2.5 hour session, you will:

    • Find support from a new community as you navigate transition

    • Understand what is no longer serving you

    • Clarify what change you are ready to attract

    • Learn about additional surprise offers available in The nest

  • People in conversation at a retreat, finding community and support for marginalized identities.

    FEBRUARY 2025


    Feb. 1-2, 2025 (Boulder, CO*)

    9AM to 5PM Saturday, 9AM to 1PM Sunday

    * Mandatory attendance to this retreat to participate in the program. Note that transportation and lodging is not provided.

    Let’s fly to our in-person nest and join each other for a 1.5-day retreat with a beautiful Colorado backdrop. This is an opportunity to deepen your connections with your community by being together physically. You’ll enhance your self-awareness, define your personal vision, and establish accountability.

    During this 1.5 day retreat, you will:

    • Understand what truly matters to you rather than what you think “should” matter to you

    • Define the change you wish to create in your life

    • Pair up with an n’betweener accountability buddy

    • Confront your fears and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck

  • Person journaling thoughtfully, focusing on figuring out what you want in life and making big life changes.

    MARCH 2025


    Mar 1st 2025 (Zoom*)

    * This session will be recorded if you’re unable to make it LIVE.

    It’s the halfway mark. Time to reflect on your growth in the nest. What better time than at the end of the year? Inhale and take in all that you’ve accomplished — you should be proud.

    You’ll have the option to spend a dedicated session with another n’betweener where you will support and ensure one another is moving towards your goals.

    During these 2 sessions, you will:

    • Reflect on your progress and identify areas where you are stuck

    • Contemplate what 2024 taught you

    • Be supported through whatever struggles you’re experiencing

    • Spend dedicated time working with other n’betweeners

    We will meet twice online in December.

  • Retreat participants sit together, embracing a multicultural community to create the life you want.

    APRIL 2025


    Apr. 5-6, 2025 - (Brooklyn, NY)

    9AM to 5PM Saturday and Sunday

    * Mandatory attendance to this retreat to participate in the program. Note that transportation and lodging is not provided.

    If there is ONE place in the world to crown as THE n’betweener city, it would be New York City, hands down.

    There is something about the energy and unique diversity New York holds that allows one to deeply and authentically explore themselves. We will start the new year by articulating what dreams you’ll set forward in the city of inspiration.

    During this 2-day retreat you will:

    • Review 2024 in-depth and set congruent goals for 2025

    • Reconnect to your WHY and the change you’ve committed to

    • Strengthen community bonds through shared reflection

    • Have fun exploring with your n’betweener community

  • A hand holds a blanket, representing the comfort of this big life changes retreat for folks with marginalized identities.

    MAY 2025


    May 3rd 2025 (Zoom*)

    * This session will be recorded if you’re unable to make it LIVE.

    It’s time to reflect on your wins. What has shifted since you started the program? What have you gained in the past few months? Nesting Time allows you to spend intentional time reflecting on your accomplishments and growth.

    You’ll have the option to spend a dedicated session with another n’betweener where you will support and ensure one another is moving towards your goals.

    During these two sessions, you will:

    • Assess what is working and what needs adjusting

    • Celebrate your achievements and acknowledge the progress you’ve made

    • Be supported through whatever struggles you’re experiencing

    • Spend dedicated time working with other n’betweeners

    We will meet twice online in February.

  • Diverse group celebrating, forming a supportive community for marginalized and intersectional identities.

    JUNE 2025


    June 14, 2025 (On Zoom*)

    10 AM-12.30 PM M.T.

    * This session will be recorded if you’re unable to make it.

    The end is here. It’s time to celebrate your time in the nest.

    In this LIVE online session, you’ll acknowledge your journey and accomplishments all while being celebrated in community.

    You’ll also review next steps to support you in your continued growth after the program.

    During this 2.5 hours session, you will:

    • Celebrate your achievements while being seen and reflected by your cohort members

    • Participate in a closing ceremony where you honor your success alongside your cohort members

    • Plan and develop actionable plans for the future

A woman with a large necklace smiles, showing a potential participant at this retreat for folks with marginalized identities.

“I can heal my own internalized oppression by coming into my power.

As an afro-indigenous gender fluid individual, I have often felt alone and misunderstood in society.

I learned to transform my pain with oppression into power.”

Sierra Jeter - they, them and she her

Why The nest?

  • Find your people: Connect with others who understand your journey and share similar experiences.

  • Retreat to inspiring destinations: Travel to two in-person destinations located in cities meant to inspire and excite.

  • Real-time feedback: Talk through your progress and setbacks and receive support from professional coaches and peer feedback that will push you closer to your untapped potential.

  • Intentional time for you: You don’t have to worry about finding the time. This is a dedicated space for you to focus on caring for yourself.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of personal identity by exploring cultural, social, and personal influences.

  • Embrace your identity: Explore and celebrate your cultural background in a supportive environment.

  • Expert-led coaching: Develop resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of self through coaching and workshops led by a licensed therapist.

  • Lifelong community: Build a lasting network of friends, mentors, and peers who support you unconditionally.

  • Improve emotional resilience: Learn strategies to cope with feelings of isolation to strengthen your inner fortitude.

  • Reflect on personal progress: Set and achieve goals and reflect on your growth through regular feedback and self-assessment tools.

  • Celebrate your success: Acknowledge your growth and celebrate yourself among a community that’s been with you along the way.

Don’t wait — join us today and begin your journey towards belonging. Step into a world where you’re understood, accepted, and celebrated. In the nest we believe everyone deserves to feel at home.

Embrace who you are and find your place with us.

The nest – because you belong here.

“Home is a portable sensation of belonging that you can return to.”

— Chakameh Shafii

Choose Your Plan

Hop in The nest

Most flexible


7 Payments

Most popular


1 Payment


$120 OFF BY NOVEMBER 1st 2025

STUCK in your life?!

Get the clarity on the change you need in your life right now.

Welcoming circle of chairs, symbolizing retreats that will change your life and create connections.

Is the nest the right for you?

✔ You feel stuck like you’re holding yourself back.

✔ You know you need a change in your life but are terrified.

✔ You constantly doubt yourself and your dreams but there’s an inner whisper you can’t seem to shake telling you to go for it.

✔ You crave support and guidance as you move towards a life transition.

✔ You feel a repressed part of yourself desperately wanting to be set free.

✔ You’re yearning to discover new places and find inspiration traveling.

✔ You’re an n’betweener and crave an environment where you’re surrounded by people who just get you.

Trust me — you belong in the nest.

The nest is NOT for you if:

X You’re looking for 1-1 coaching.

X You move in the world feeling like most understand you.

X You struggle being in intimate spaces of connection and vulnerability.

X You want a quick-fix.

X You’re happy staying where you are in life.

X You’re not prepared to invest in long-term self-development .

“I’m reclaiming what has been stolen”

— Kaz Zeman (they, them)

Am I an n’betweener?

A women smiles, representing a potential participant in this retreat for big life changes and developing sense of belonging.

So what is an n’betweener?

An n’betweener is an individual who desires to know themself in their complex marginalized identities.

We show up in infinitely unique ways. We’re women of color, mixed-race, multicultural immigrants, queer Muslims, Latinx youth, and a multitude of other intersecting identities. 

n’betweeners are multifaceted and beautiful beings, but it’s often a lonely experience. We’re not represented, so it’s common to internalize that we don’t belong anywhere.

Healing happens when we’re reflected and seen. That experience flourishes when we’re in community with one another.

This circle is for you if you are an n’betweener looking for community, growth, and long-term change. This isn’t a short-term fix, but a milestone on the journey to radical self-progression.

What are you waiting for?

Hop in The nest

Most flexible


7 Payments

Most popular


1 Payment


$120 OFF BY NOVEMBER 1st 2025

A woman with glasses and bangs smiles, representing a potential participant in this retreat that will change your life.

“The nest has changed my life by showing me that I’m not alone.

I’ve made a group of lifelong friends. We cried, we laughed, we danced. People I don’t have to explain myself to.

They know what it is like to be treated as other.”

Katherine - she, her

Unsure if The nest is for you?

When do you feel like you most belong?

When does Trevor Noah most belong?

Here’s what I asked him:

“Trevor, when is it that you feel like you most belong?”

His answer you ask?

When he’s with his closest friends. He shared how he carefully chooses his inner circle.

Community is what creates spaces of belonging.

Back in 2022, I got to see Trevor Noah for a live taping of The Daily Show. He’s served as my greatest n’betweener teacher. He’s taught me the art of embracing all the conflicting parts of myself. 

Hey, I’m Nora.

Nora Alwah is a TEDx speaker, psychotherapist, and mental health educator with a decade of experience. 

Nora was born in the space n’between.

She is a mixed-race queer cis-woman of color, and a multilingual immigrant from Denmark and Comoros.

Nora coined the term n’betweener™ to capture the experience of individuals living at the intersection of privilege and oppression.

Individuals who struggle with a sense of belonging, regularly code-switch, feel misunderstood, and often hold themselves back from living their full potential.

Nora, founder of this retreat for big life changes and building a sense of belonging through multicultural community, poses.

Got a question?

  • There is no one right way of being an n'betweener. An n'betweener is someone who is trying to understand themselves in their complexity. They are someone who often feels misunderstood, and alone in their experience. If you resonate with this, you're probably an n'betweener.

  • The cost of the 6-month program is $1595.

  • No, it is preferred but not required. If you're unable to join a virtual session, you can still participate in The nest. All virtual meetings will be recorded so you'll be able to watch this in your own time. We strongly you encourage you to attend as you'll get the most of the program. Note that some of the dates will be finalized when the group is gathered.

  • Yes, the in-person retreats are a required part of The nest and are meant to foster a deeper sense of community.

    The dates for the in-person gatherings are Nov. 2 -3, 2024 in Boulder, CO, and January 18-19, 2025 in Brooklyn, NY.

  • You'll need to secure your housing accommodations for the two in-person retreats in Colorado and New York.

    Lunch will be provided at both retreats, but not dinner.

  • Absolutely. All n'between experiences are welcome. If you feel there's a change needed in your life, you're welcome in The nest. We'll spend time at the beginning of the program identifying the change you want to work towards.

  • This is a deep and intimate experience where we plan accordingly. For this reason, The nest is non-refundable.

    We welcome n'betweeners who are committed and prepared to invest in making a radical change in their life with the support of their community.

  • There are limited spaces in The nest in order to support an intimate environment. The program is capped at 20 people.

  • 100% Yes! The nest is a space of intentional community. While you work to come closer to yourself, you'll get to do so with the support of a community of like-minded people who will become a part of your life far beyond the six months.

Unsure if The nest is for you?